Sasha 1990s
As I pull into the driveway,
The garage door rises and out leaps Sasha.
Her tail wags at every sniff on the way to the street,
Around the shrubs and off down the street.
I call her to come back but she is old and wise and it is her right to run and play after so many hours in the garage,
So many years a friend.
Her snout and brows are grey,
Now she needs an electric heater,
To warm the winter nights,
She shares the garage couch with the cat, StarFrost.
Sasha is old and I want this year to be special for her as she has made thousands of greetings at the garage door.
In the night as a puppy,
We listened to her drag branches across the gravel in the backyard.
Now she barks her commands and we smile and let her out or in. We are all old friends together.