Bridge It

We rise early,
Our cabin is
Un-heated and
Though it is July,
We are cold at
9,000 feet up.
We walk to the Tick-Tok
Diner for breakfast,
A long table of
Oklahoma folks yell
At me to “Take off
That cap.”
I am wearing my TXDOT
Field cap in Colorado.
I calmly reply that I am
On official business,
A two-state Dalles to
Denver Freeway.
They stare at me and one
Finally asks, “What about
The Oklahoma panhandle?”
I reply, “Gonna Bridge it.”
They look at me and burst
Into laughter. Then one
Says, “Oh, OK.
You can wear it.”
We are now friends
And share the cafe
And breakfast. My
Companion looks
Across our
Table and


Changing the Guard


Fog Walk