Winter’s March

I lie in the dark looking
Up out my bedroom
Window at the stars,
I know there is a
Symmetry behind
The chaos.
The gravity web we
Perceive as stars and
Galaxies are like a
Spider’s silken web,
Not a sparrow falls
But the universe is
Aware as the subtle
Vibrations pass though
The gravity web.
Likewise in the gravity web
Of human society the
Effects of seemingly
Minor events vibrate
Through affecting others.
In sentient society
We play our part along
With other sentient,
Feeling beings not
Too unlike ourselves
Though more or less
Aware than we.
I shiver on this cold
Night in March hoping
Winter’s march will
Slow, and warmer
Times will lie ahead.
The stars wink in
The cold sky,
Is that a wink
Of better things
To come or an
Of my limited


Far Away


San Elijo Lagoon