I am 19 and having dinner
With my girlfriend’s family
At their home in San Antonio,
She and I are lovers and I will
Be heading for Mexico City
In a few days so we are both
Concerned about our future.
She showed up at the YMCA
Pool where I work causing a
Furor due to her fur bikini,
Our relationship is not
Intellectual though it is hot.
We are a matched pair in our
Pursuit of pleasure and fun,
So sitting at supper with her
Older brother, mother and
Step-father makes me squirm.
I posit that the greatest virtue
Is loyalty as I doubt hers once
I board the bus to go south,
Her brother and mother both
Smile as they know her record
And confirm my worst fears.
But her step-dad who is dying of
Cancer looks at me and replies
That he thinks the greatest
Virtue is altruism.
He will be dead in months from
Cancer but takes time for me,
I ask him what altruism is.
He says altruism is to benefit others
At one’s expense, to do good
Without expectation, the selfless
Concern for the well being of
Others irregardless of gain.
He looks at me and I return
His gaze though I am
Conscious of my being the
Exact opposite of altruism,
I am aware of my ludicrous
Behavior and his tolerance.
I nod agreement and think,
An excellent precursor for
My adventure in Mexico.
I am torn between my own
Hedonism and
Of his truth about altruism,
Sometimes it takes a pig to
Show you where the truffles are
And I am about to root and snuffle
Around the Aztec ruins of
Mexico City, old
I am not worried
About Aztec ritual
Sacrifice as I
Have no