
I am eight and a champion
Tree climber except for the
Plum tree which has such wicked
Long thorns and brittle branches.
I am high in a maple tree and
Notice a number of insect
Exoskeletons which appear
Ferocious but are empty
Shells abandoned by their
Previous occupant,
Like our political parties today.
I think the insect shells are cicadas
Which sound so loud at night,
I gather them and stick them
On anything outrageous like
My sisters and mom.
I am told they only appear every
Seven years and hibernate the
Rest of the time,
I mull this over and by simple
Extrapolation wonder what
Else is hibernating here and
Elsewhere and when was the
Last time they molted.
I am already aware that adults
Do not know as much as they
Think they do and cannot be
Trusted to know what is real.
Even today with Google, etc,
I saw Hillary lose an election because she did not
Comprehend that
Most Americans
Did not want
To trade
Red, White
And blue for
The rose, ivory and teal.
Ignorance of other
Forms of cicadas
Seems likely in a
World where
Leaders still
Appeal to fear
And ignorance of
Those most likely to
Be hurt by them
But blind to all
But their own
Hate and


Shont or Kont


Mother Why