Walls are never enough
By themselves as the
Human spirit will find a way
Over, under or around them,
The question is why a wall.
Poor people whose only hope
Is to reach the USA reminds
Me of the Roman attempt to
Keep poor people out,
It did not work.
In our case today we can
Try to treat the symptoms
Of poverty south of us,
And build a wall with guards
Whose relatives will cross
Anyway by stealth or bribes.
Or, we can treat the poverty
South of us by creating jobs
And a livable society there
Which is what free trade does.
Unless we put up tariffs.
But it is easier to play on the fear
And ignorance of our own folks
To just build a wall even though
No wall ever built works over
The long run of history.
We need border security and
An end to illegal immigration
But the wall must be electronic
Not concrete while we make life
South of the wall livable and
An alternative to wall hopping.
This will cost money that must
Come from the rich in our
Country who profit from
The illegal immigrants,
Tax the rich to pay
For border security
And hire enough
Border Patrol
Agents to
Hold the