Snow Fall
The yellow streetlight shows
The snow plummeting down,
Gusts of wind swirl and twirl
The snowflakes revealed
Against the dark pine tree.
I watch as she sleeps beside
Me unaware of the spectacle
Outside the cold window pane.
As the pearly gray light of
Dawn sets off the dark trees,
I silently type a poem hoping
She will like it though aware
I am still getting to know her,
She is not yet comfortable
With me using her name on FB.
The pearly grey light increases
As I realize she may prefer to
Take her time revealing our
Relationship preferring instead
To see how things play out.
I hesitate to point out all she
Says would make better sense
If we had a lifetime ahead
Rather than the time we have.
Still, there is no rushing her
And where we are is too
Wonderful to rush past,
Come what may we
Are happy each
Day together
Loving one
The snow
Falls flake by
Flake on branches,
Yards and cars higher
And higher through
The day as we
Learn more
About our
And each
If you have
A good guide
You should listen
So I will back
Off and give
It a rest for
Now at