Dark Treat
I am ten and being
Taken for a treat along
With my younger sibs by
Our eldest sister and her
Fiancé in his big car,
He is unaware of the mess
We will wreak in the back
Seat with ice cream.
It is dark as we pull into
The parking area next to
An ice cream shop with
Curb service and try to
Order half a dozen single
Scoops of various flavored
Ice cream for all of us,
Shouts of vanilla, chocolate,
Strawberry, and pistachio
Ring out simultaneously.
The waitress is on roller
Skates and is cold in short
Shorts and a skimpy vest
Over a cotton blouse,
She has knobby knees.
She brings out the ice cream
Cones in a tray holder and
Passes them through the car
Window to kid yells for their
Special selection all in the
Dark amid eager hands,
We proceed to lick and bite
Our ice cream cone oblivious
To much else as we slowly
Drive home to the crunching
Of the last of our cones.
When we get into the house
I hear my sister and Mom
Laughing about the only
Flavor they ordered was
Neapolitan though none of
The kids noticed in the dark,
I taste the ice cream flavor
Lingering on my palate
And it is Neapolitan not
Vanilla and muse that this
Is a lesson in enjoying
What life brings you.
Operating in the
Dark does help
In accepting
What we