Mystery Cows
It is the 1980s in Austin
Texas and we hear reports
From our football rival A&M of
Dairy cows being exploded,
Aggies did claim to steal and BBQ
Our UT mascot longhorn Bevo
One year before the big game
But we are hoping UT students
Are not picking on dairy cows
From which we all enjoy
Delicious Blue Bell ice cream.
The reports continue time to
Time of explosions and cows
Blown up in gentle meadows,
Rumors breed more rumors.
Press extras patrol the bucolic
Fields along with curious
Aggies and UT tea-sippers.
BOOM and another cow goes up
All while University life goes on
In Austin and A&M on the Brazos.
Bonfires and frat boys each
Get hotter and bigger.
Then we hear the cows are
Exploding due to a new feed
Mixture being tested with
Shocking effects,
We all stock up on Blue Bell
Ice cream and hope it will
Not go away.
The dairy cows still graze in
The prairies black and white
Like all issues between rivals,
The football rivalry is gone,
Rivals separated but the
Memories of pranks and games
Remain as does the ice cream.
Getting a milkshake at the
A&M dairy bar west of campus
Is one of my fondest memories
Visiting my Aggie friends,
Ann, there are others though
Seeing them in black and white
They seem too real to be true
Though they were.
Have I been vague enough
Where all is
Black and white?