The Park
I am nine and at a family
Picnic in the park in
West Frankfurt with all
The cousins gathered,
Swimming munching running
Around under the trees.
Long picnic tables piled with
Baked chicken hamburgers
And hotdogs chips pickle relish
Mustard catsup potato salad
And much more with my aunts
Sitting talking with uncles moving
About all with one eye on
The food and the other on us kids.
Some of us kids decide we have run
And munched enough so it is
Time to go swimming in the pool,
We put our clothes into the metal
Baskets in the changing rooms
Then jump or dive into the water
Working our way to the deep end
And the three-level diving platform.
Earlier while running I climbed the
Bleachers to look over the park
And slipped hitting the concrete
Wall high over the park with my
Chin chipping the bottom of my
Front teeth but hiding it as I do
Not want to be punished for
Another expense incurred.
I move my tongue over the teeth
Gauging the damage then go
Swimming only to compound
The injury with foolishness,
I climb to the third level of
The diving platform and
Peer down at the pool.
I am hesitant to climb down
So I jump off the edge of the
Diving board incurring the wrath
Of the lifeguard who comes
Over while I come back to the
Surface to face the consequences
Of my latest adventures as a kid.
The lifeguard lectures me it is
Dangerous to dive off the edge
Of the diving board and not to
Do it again as I shake my head
Yes then no as it is too noisy
For me to talk and I am too
Shy to speak in any case.
I run my tongue over my chipped
Teeth and swim underwater to stay out of sight then change back
Into my bluejeans and T-shirt to
Make a second run on the food tables watching my aunts, uncles
And cousins swirling around me,
All my family but none knowing
I have chipped my front teeth
Climbing the bleachers.
They are all still laughing and
Smiling talking to each other
In my memories so some
Chipped teeth seem a
Small price to pay
For a lifetime of
Good company
And loving