
What is the American
National Character?
Fifty years ago our
Public schools taught
The American National
Character was self-reliant,
Imaginative and ambitious.
Americans still exhibit these
Qualities though disappointingly
We are not what we once were
In our belief in ourself, our abilities.
We lack self-confidence because
The middle class has been forced
To work harder, pay more taxes and
Settle for a lower level of education.
A college degree today is the
Equivalent of a High School diploma
In the 1920s just as our duality of
Life has declined over that time.
Why? The rich have abandoned
Our Republic to further enrich their
Own families ignoring their civic
Responsibilities to our Republic.
The solution is expropriation of
Wealth to pay to rebuild our
Failing infrastructure and defense
By a ten percent per year tax on
Assets on estates over five million
Dollars to save our Republic.
Otherwise, democracy will be
Replaced by violence, education by
Religion and our Republic will be
Politically, economically and socially
Plundered by our enemies.
The middle class will further shrink
And our standard of living fall.
Extremists on the left and right
Care only for party politics and
Moderates are driven from office
Or flee the inanity of DC, Fox,
MSNBC and mega national
Corporations who leach on us.
Our hope is the 2018 midterms
When a voter turnout for more
Moderates would sweep the
Money changers from the Temple
Of our national and state offices.
Consultants should be banned,
Term limits set at once per lifetime
Per public office served and
Public schools should once
Again teach with pride about the American National Character.




El Gallo