
Gender views are unique,
We approach problems
Differently not just in how
To make decisions but more.
Men rely on listening than
Acting whereas women
Listen then seek consensus.
Deeper is how to resolve a
Problem of planning problems,
Men blurt out their enthusiastic
Suggestions and urge women
To take a chance and just do it.
Best epitomized, Just Get ‘Er Done!
Women internalize and if they
Find no outlet go round and round
While trying to handle daily crises
Without asking for help or even
Admitting to themselves a problem.
Best to tell a friend what we cannot
Resolve, a litany of our problems.
Not for advice which is how most
Men would respond, but a friend
Who will just listen and nod.
Even this opportunity allows the
Release of pressure that ignored
Would put a woman on anti-
Anxiety pills with no chance to vent.
My wife would build up anxiety until
She was unable to successfully
Cope so we would agree to have a
Fight to release tension and relax.
She looked at me in disbelief but
It worked, we would argue, yell,
Slam doors and stomp off but later
Would pass each other, slow and
Embrace and kiss as the pressure
Had been released without me
Trying to give advice nor the
Problems solved but just talking
Had taken away the pressure.
Later we learned to skip the anger
And I would see the look in her eyes
And just listen patiently to her vent
Without comment or suggestion.
She was patient with my decide and
Take action approach but I relied on
Listening to her good judgement,
Perhaps I waited for her consensus.
Everyone finds their own method
If they are to remain together.




Rehab II