
I am a third-grader
And sent for speech
Therapy at school due
To my failure to annunciate
My "R”s properly saying wabbit.
As I recall I was imitating Elmer
Fudd referring to Bugs Bunny
But my therapist was coldly
Distant so I never mentioned it.
I was a difficult child and stuttered.
I enjoyed visiting my cousin Edgar
In West Frankfurt because his
Nickname was Buster which I had
No problem saying loudly.
I did stutter on other words but
Was cured by my sister Penny
Who told me that smart people
Think faster than they can talk and
If I just slowed down I would not
Stutter and it worked wonderfully.
I had a crush on my third-grade
Teacher who was slender and had
Red hair and long painted finger
Nails that she used to cut Manila
Paper by placing a sheet over the
Door crack then running her finger
Nail down to cut the paper.
We were all impressed but I was
Enthralled at her charming manner.
The third grade was my favorite
And I still get nostalgic over the
Smell of Manila paper and crayons.
I was given the luxury of being a
Child for which I am eternally
Grateful to the times and location.
Summers bloomed and blossomed
In the mid 1950s and war, famine,
Pestilence and strife were far away
From my family in southern Illinois.
I smile that my cousins still raise
Children in the bucolic place.
Though in hindsight I realize the
Curse of racial prejudice and the
Violence which is endemic
To human communities was
Nearby always while I slept secure.
Perhaps this is the main job of a
Family, to shield children from
The world they will inherit while
The child watches cartoons
About a wasscally wabbit.




I Know