
I am 21 in a motel
Room in Galveston
With my new bride
With whom I have
Been living for the
Last two years.
We are going to
Kidnap our eldest
Child from the
Galveston Child
Psychiatric Clinic,
He is seven and a
Handful to control.
As the Gulf morning
Light brightens our
Motel room and we
Chat about our plan
To spring the kid I
Tell her that her tongue
Is black to which she
Rolls her eyes and says
Of course then, you’re kidding.
I say no I am not kidding so
She hopes out of bed turns
On the sink light sticks out
Her tongue and says oh my
God my tongue is black.
I calmly speculate that her
Stressed endocrine system
Has produced an excess of
Biliverdin and her tongue is
Actually dark green from
Bringing it up in her sleep,
I have had freshmen
Biology and feel an expert.
She is furiously brushing
Her tongue with toothpaste
And mumbles it seems to be
Coming off oh thank God.
I wander over and concur
It does seem to be turning
Back to pink saying no worries
As she gives me the look
Of death and transforms
Into her northern Virginia
Icy polite routine so I
Retreat to the local
Weather on TV
Until she has
Brushed enough
To feel reassured
And we laugh
And go to eat
It was


Opera Glasses

