Rehab Sunlight

The late afternoon
Sunlight pours into
My room through the
Big window as I sit
Reading in my woolen
Sweater shivering in the
Icy cold air conditioning.
The thermostat is locked
So I am layering to keep
From shivering in the
Bright golden sunlight.
The thermostat is in my
Room but covered by a
Locked clear plastic cover
Over which I have draped
A damp washcloth.......
The icy air just stopped.
The evaporation of the
Moisture lowers the
Temperature causing
The air conditioning to
Shut off for an hour or so.
As the warm temperature
Outside the building cools
The air conditioner will
Shut down by itself and
I can hang the washcloth
Back in the bathroom.
One adjusts to life as
Best one can given
The circumstances,
I did the same sort
Of thing in my old
College classrooms.
When the heat
Would not shut
Off in winter
I would place
A cup of hot
Tea on the
To get the
Heat to stop
Before the
Room was like
A sauna.
Dealing with folks whose
Emotional thermostat is
Locked requires the same
Kind of guile or how
Could one be both civil
And comfortable?
Caveat, I do not
Advocate putting
A wet washcloth
Over their head
Tempting as it
Might be and
A cup of hot
Tea they will
Not be able
To balance.


Pillow Talk

