
I am 72 bound away
Across so many rivers
And mountain ranges
To live in California with
My friend in her house,
To help her and be helped
By her along our mutual
Path to the future making
A leap of faith all will go well.
We have so many things
In common between us,
A love of family and especially
Our grandchildren, friends we
Will share and new adventures
To experience like shopping
For groceries and driving each
Other to appointments keeping
Each other company at doctor’s
Icy offices where being alone is
Strange without a friend nearby.
Expeditions to the local parks
Holding hands from time to time
Sitting and reading under the
Trees in a soothing light breeze.
DVDs to watch, songs to be sung
And trips to be planned and taken.
Endeavors as yet unimagined as
We learn more about each other
And our families and watching
Grandchildren at Christmas,
Easter, and Thanksgiving.
All the fun of seeing
Our families meet,
Grow closer
As we do
We can
To enjoy life


Patio Party

