Good Morning Light
Each morning I video chat her
At 10 am her time 1 pm mine,
She is always bright and
Chipper starting a new day.
Lovely, as the morning light
Shines through her auburn hair,
Her smiles brighter than light.
She says the lover’s essentials,
Good morning I love you.
Our quick greeting each day
And then we promise to call
Each other later in the day
And we always do even if late.
She is busy and I give her space,
When we are together at start
Of day we do our same routine
Then embrace and hug awhile.
We both know how to be happy
With the one we love,
And now we each have that
Someone again,
To cherish each day.
Spring is silly,
Summer sweaty.
What’s we have is for decades,
A love as bright as autumn leaves
And a winter to stay warm
Together day-to-day
For a long
Long time.