Affair to Forget
An affair is to family as a falling piano is to the startled passer-by looking up at it. Not a good idea.
Temptations arise in our lives but the ending of an affair is almost always messy and hurtful. The chance of a happy ending is about the same as a politician whose hands are spotless from political dirt. Not good odds.
Affairs in a marriage are an attempt to regain the romantic feelings of our early youth. Or, an itch we just have to scratch. In any case, affairs will hurt family members. It hardly seems worth the cost for what must be of limited duration. The longer the affair lasts the more damage it does to a marriage and family.
But, I do understand the power of passion to topple common sense
and caution. I suggest you use protective pessimism in any consideration of an affair. Chocolates would be better. An afternoon at a movie matinee with buttered popcorn and a cold beverage would be a better release of tension and anxiety than an affair to forget.