John Ted
We have been best
Friends since the start
Of the 7th grade when
He pushed me while we
Waited for the school to
Open up and I shoved him
Back across the landing,
I am sitting in John’s car
As a college Freshman at 19
By Lindy, 24, with whom I live
Sitting between us at a stop
Sign by a busy street.
A brief gap opens in traffic
Hurtling toward us and John
Says, “I think I can make it.”
Lindy’s eyes get big as I reply,
“Go for it!” and she yelps, “No!”
John and I laugh at our joke,
So does Lindy who is a uniquely
Brave, even courageous, young
Woman who has two little boys
Three and six who will within a
Year be joined by a little brother
Courtesy of Lindy and I.
Only she really understands
The chance she is taking on me
As she has no way of knowing
What I will be as an adult in
Five years yet is gambling
On me to mature into a
Responsible mate and
Life companion which
With her guidance I
Do eventually end
Up resembling
Though my
Will go
To Viet Nam
Where he will acquire
A heroin habit and
Experiences that
Will result in his
Death trying to
Take chances
He might well
Have been
Able to
If he
Met a
Like Lindy.