
I found a book today
In the library two dollar
Used book store,
I am amazed because
It is a narrative version
Of the Trojan War by
Quintus of Smyrna.
I know this book from
My childhood summer
After I flunked the
Second grade when
It was given to me
In a simpler form
For older children,
But basically the
Same book I read
And loved depicting
The battle tactics
And strategy of
Homer’s classic
Ballad poem the Iliad.
Strange to find it
Here in Encinitas
By the Pacific Ocean
So far from the wine
Dark waters of the
Deep blue Aegean
Sea far from the
Dardanelles and
Priam’s city of Troy.
The book changed
My life for the better
At the nadir of my
Recalcitrant youth,
I wonder what book
I will find now that
I cannot imagine
What consequences
Will ensue but hope
Springs eternal from
A romantic like me
Who believes on
Faith alone in
And the sentient
Consciousness of
The God universal
Whose Milky Way
Is one facet of
The book to
Be read.


55 Days

