Some Days
She can talk to me.
Our kids are in day care
And we become friends who
Chat while we wait to collect our
small children after work. We sit,
She tells me her husband is a
Full-time magician and in a
Few months they are no
More married but apart.
She tells me because
I am easy to talk to.
She says she has
Dumped her boy
Friend because
After making
Love with
Him she
Like she
Has been beaten
With a wet rolled newspaper.
I do not know whether to
Commiserate or be a
Bit jealous feeling
Rather like the
Quarter page
Ad insert, and
Then she
And her
Move to
A commune
Near Houston
With a new guy
About whom she
Relates in a letter
Which my wife and I
Read in paroxysms of
Laughter, that she is still
Somewhat ambivalent saying,
“Well, some days I just love him
And some days I just don’t.”
My wife and I know that if
You truly love someone
Then you always love
Them, though you
May no longer
Like them or
Even hate
Which is the
Enchantment of
Love into which we
Do not choose but fall.
We are together 52
Years seamless in
Our cognizance
Of the delicate
Limitation of
Our grace
We were
Were married
And stayed friends
Through the ups
And downs of
Being a good
Couple for
Our patience
With naivety is
Limited as we both
See sentimentality as
A luxury of the cruel
And a sham of
The soul as
We both