

I am 53 applauding
A presentation by Charles
A friend of mine and a fellow
Transportation planner doing
Travel demand modeling playing
Sim city for money at TXDOT in
Austin and I am jealous at his
Unique insight in showing
Clips from the old film
Moby Dick to explain
How the movement
Of whales reflects
Traffic in Texas
Forecasts and
His example
Is superb.
He has
An excellent
Job of clarifying
How we forecast the
Future traffic flows around
Texas not by estimates and
Not by regression analysis but
By travel demand modeling
Which are the most trust
Worthy way to make a
Forecast and I am
One of the few
Who see his
Genius in
So I walk up to
Congratulate him
Telling him his speech
Was the best job of explaining
What our section did and far
And away superb which
Makes him smile as
We were students
In graduate
Both in our
Late 40s and
50s competing
With kids in their
20s who were baby
Terminators who never
Stopped crunching numbers
But were young and naive and
Thus could be tricked but never
The same way twice so Charles and
I understand each other and my
Respect for him as a Navy sub
Officer and hero of a nuclear
Accident prompted me to
Urge his hiring at TXDOT
All of which has come
To this presentation
Which though our
Boss has doubts
About, I reassure
Her is simply
Superb and


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