Like any cutter
We loathe some
Thing about our self
As a Country seemingly
Blessed but wracked by a
Guilt about race and ethnicity,
We despise prejudice but cannot
Escape it so we cut ourselves in
Civil Wars and civil disturbance
Torn between facing our fears
Of the unknown or cutting out
The cancer by a separation
Too ephemeral to be real.
We are our own worst
Enemy and must do
What is necessary
To heal ourselves
By giving up a
Flawed sense
Of morality
And embrace
A sense of ethics,
Morality is what we
Are told is right or wrong
Whereas ethics is what we
Know in our heart is right or
Wrong. And then, throw caution
To the wind to see us each as we
Are rather than as we think we or
They or him or her should be,
Free of old strictures from
The past on color, belief,
Race, ethnicity, shape
And all the other bits
Of shibboleths we
Hide from day-to-
Day blindly step-
By-step though
We mostly do
The best we
Can and do
What we
Can the
Universe not
Love such well
Meaning creatures
As we which is the blessing
I give to each of you from
A universal sentience
That actually does
Love each of you,
Or what is our
Heaven for
But to bid
Love and