Tired I


She tires early
Each night heads
For bed to sleep or
Read a bit with her dog
And cats while I read in the
Den with CNN or some program
On TV in the background as a
Companion while I analyze all
The wars ancient to modern
Searching for lessons and
Patterns, content to not
Intrude on her time.
Alone from me as
I am from her so
We live together
But stay out of
Each other’s
Way to let
Us both
Breathe at
Our own pace
But no less in love.
We each enjoy friends
Apart, still alive and past
Away, but no less precious.
We understand space in
A relationship is needed
If we are to continue to
Grow, think, feel as our
Self as well as part
Of a couple but
Not joined at
The hip only
At the heart.



