I will implies
Future intent
While shall adds
A duty to do so in
The future as in the
Menzies motto, “God
Will, I zall” or shall as God
Wills it reminiscent of the old
Catholic and later Templar motto
From the First Crusade which
Took Jerusalem in 1099 but
On a sunny summer day
In 2019 shall I do some
Thing or will I do it?
“Deus lo vult ...?
Perhaps I shwill
Might be too
Close to
Slopping the
Pigs though no
Farm animal is more
Appreciative of the effort
Unlike my dog and cats who
Have a sense of privilege
And expect me to be
Prompt each dawn
And dusk so to
Them I say
Thy shwill
Be done
And thank
God to make
Us grateful if we
Can shift our
Grubb from
The table
At our