Patience II
She is patient
With me though
I task her patience,
She weighs the pros
And the cons switching
Her mental worry beads
Like an abacus column and
Rows whirl back and forth until
She stares into the future never
The past and decides her best
Options while I am weighed
In the balance but not yet
Found wanting so we go
On to see what the next
Adventure will come
With the dawn or
Dusk always too
Aware when a
Half of any
Says it is
Over then it
Is over and that is
When we walk away
From or crumple to the
Ground giving up but
She is persistent as
Hell so she keeps
On going on no
Matter what
The cost to
Her and
As to
That is their
Problem not hers.
I admire her tenacity
Her bravery and
Just plain grit
But I am all
Too aware
Not to lie
Or cross
Her on
A point
Of honor.
She is patient
As a Spring flower
Waiting to bloom
Or a tree to bud
Or a hickory
Root when