How does a thing
Benefit or hurt society?
By its utility to help or hinder.
Wealth and poverty are equally
Harmful to a democratic republic
Since wealth corrupts a citizen
And poverty degrades while
The goal of such a society
Is to be middle class for
The most part with
Equal opportunity
For all citizens
On a level
I grew
Up poor
In material
Things but rich
In family values of
Art literature music and
Reading writing manual labor.
One Saturday my father and
I had picked up several
Loaves of day old
Bread to save
Money then
Stopped to
Enter a
Store and my
Father left the car
Window open by the
Loaves of bread and When
I asked him why he said if
Someone were so poor
To have to steal a
Loaf of bread
They were
To it,
A lesson
I have never
Forgotten and
Remembered when
I read Thucydides’ history
Of the Peloponnesian War,
Strong states do what
They can and weal
Stars do what
They must.
Just so
The wealthy
And the poor,
Better to favor
The middle class
And decrease the
Percentages of the
Wealthy and poor by
Taxes civics and ethics.