I am 73 standing at the kitchen
Counter mixing my special
Blend of breakfast food,
A cereal of raw rolled
Oats grape-nuts a
Few or so bits of
Walnuts and a
Handful of
And two percent
Milk voila my quarter
Cup of cereal two-thirds
Oats and one third of Post
Grape nuts a breakfast treat
Which to my surprise others have
Found delicious nutritious even
Healthy so I am delighted to
Share this culinary treat
Since reactions to my
Yippy cayenne chilli
Is less enthusiastic
Even going so far
As to utter the
Apostasy of
Beans in
Good grief!
What is next?
Crackers with chilli
Instead of tortilla chips?
Some kind of mushed cardboard
For cereal that even the dog rejects
Or perhaps popcorn without any
Butter or ice milk when Blue
Bell is available or else
Banning salted in the
Shell peanuts and
The extra
Few years gained
By healthy diet are
Not I have a hunch worth
The forgoing of all the
Forgone treats we
Love to munch.
Did I mention