
I am 13 exploring
The old three-car garage
Behind the duplex we have
Converted to a single family
Home in San Antonio when up
In the rafters I find a magazine
Of photos of nude women most
Still too young to know better than
To pose nude or perhaps they are
Wiser than I to take advantage of
Their youth and beauty while the
Bloom is still on the rose so as I
Peruse each flower in bloom I
Read the verses of poetry
Under each photo by
Keats and Shelley
Mostly apropos
To the photos
And I am
By the graceful
Symmetry of the female
Body which today we call porno
Or art depending not on the
Lack of taste or grotesque
Posing of the models so
Much as our own views
Of what is what while
The human form still
Scares so many so
Bad they cannot
Step back to
See beauty
Graceful in
Repose if
As to a
Porno industry
That exploits our
Curiosity about the
Opposite gender but
Nothing like the nude
Magazine photos I found
One afternoon and admired
For their graceful poses and poetry.
When I first saw the paintings
Of Georgia O’Keeffe I saw
What she saw in the
Beauty of the
But which
So many see
Only as western
Landscapes and flowers.
I remember asking my
Sunday school class
Teacher if Greek &
Roman marble
Nude statues
Were porno,
Presbyterians I
Discovered did not
Concern themselves
With such questions as
One of the select had
Better things to do
Than waste time
On such items
And I was
Not to
Waste class
Time again on
Such questions.
The Rabbi just raised
One eyebrow and
Said it depended
On what I was



