In Texas in the
Late 50s and early
60s young women on
The way to a good life
Due to higher education
And the pill would use the
Goodbye phrase, be good
And have fun, as a sort of
Flip comment on the odd
Impracticality of such a
Situation since the two
Seemed at odds even
Though with time we
See it is possible to
Do both and I am
Reminded of the
Confusion of the
Time when our
Morals had to
Become say,
Set in stone.
I remember my
Friend who was
About 19 starting
Her first semester
At UT in stogy Austin
In a campus dorm and on
Her first morning threw open
Both swinging doors entering
The dorm cafeteria like the free
Spirit she was big and bold as life
She declared, “I’m ravished!”
Which brought the room to
Silence as several dozen
Young ladies stared at
Her until she realized
What she’d said and
Stammered that she
Had meant to say
Famished which
Brought a low
Twitter and a
Few laughs
And in the
She was told
Often to be good
And have fun, and
As it turned out she
Did both growing wise
And confident gathering
Experience to be a valuable
Member of Texas society
Always a good friend
More often than
Not she did
Have fun.