The garden is quiet
And green the breeze
Fresh and cool as I sit my
Book in hand though I find
Myself watching the pine tops
Swaying in the wind the two cats
And dog prowling about after a
Bird or each other and I think
Of how beautiful this spot is
How far from the despair
Of so many people and
I wonder what more I
Can do for them yet
I must set a limit in
My mind or else I
Would like Saint
Francis give
Away all I
And take
To the road
At play in the fields
Of the Lord depending
On the charity of others
But life here is too nice
To act and I have my
Life ordered here so
My guilt is not as
Strong as my
But I expect
No bonus points
For rationalization,
I know I must do what
I can each day to
Help others less
Fortunate but
Am not yet
Ready to
Sell the
Let alone
Leave this
Garden of earthly
Delights dramas
Doodles and
Droll over
I will just watch
The gardener
Tend the