Societies sometimes
Commit suicide such as
Ancient Greece did in the
Peloponnesian wars or Europe
Did in the First World War when
Societies abandon reason for their
Particular fanaticism at a cost in
Military and civilian casualties
Too high to recover from the
Losses self-inflicted by our
Hubris where pride and
Arrogance as spiteful
As any divorce turn
Faction against
Faction until
Honor is
Lost to
No society can
Stand the loss of
Honor such a suicide
Entails though new states
And societies are always eager
To step in with arts literature
Music inferior to the older
But fitting to a society
Fixated on brutal
Pastimes both
In war and in
Of those
Where wealth
Trumps what once
Were common virtues
Forgotten in society’s suicide
Where breakdancing is seen as
Art rather than a pathetic cry for
Attention oh too often denied.
And we who cherish simple
Virtues like honor can but
Light our candle in the
Cultural dark that
Once shone as
Bright as the
Sun hoping
The few
See our
Light will
Pass it on
In virtues old
As values closer
To the heart,
Simple but
Still with