I am seven eyes
Wide as my big sister
Throws a strand of wet
Noodle across the kitchen
To the icebox door where it
Slowly slides to the floor as we
Explode into laughter enjoying the
Check for is the spaghetti done
Which becomes less and less
The purpose as throwing the
Spaghetti across the room
Trying to get it to stick
On the icebox door
Becomes more &
More the main
Aim until our
Eldest in
Stop that
Though she
Has enjoyed the
Game as much as
My sibs and I but her
Job is to both amuse us
And fix supper so as the one
In charge she knows how
Sticky authority can be
But steers a middle
Path between fun
And duty which
Is known as
A lesson
We all learn
Which is a meal
Without fun is like
A day without sunshine
If you are seven years old,
As grown ups we know
A meal without wine
Is like a day with
Out sunshine.
From whine
To wine