It is Friday
Afternoon at
Work on ideas
So can Fish and
Chips be far behind,
The newspaper sheet
With hot batter fried cod
And big French fries appears
Out of Lizzie’s kitchen restaurant
As we all munch our way to that
Comfortable place where one
More French fry seems just
Right and conversation is
Just about to resume
When smiles come
Easily and secrets
Drop like ripened
Apples as Lizzie
Brings out an
Apple pie a
La mode
For us
Scents waft
Around our table
While outside cold
Gray skies fall silently
Slow raindrops almost
Freezing but her at our
Table we are warm ready
To begin again our current
Project of making history fun
On a game board googling facts
And I wonder at what it would
Be like to work with these
Folks every day but I
Have other places
To see and things
To do and loved
Ones to visit
Or return to
Each of us
A light to
Seem so
Much an end
And a beginning
Both to celebrate,
Huzzah my friends!
Let our friendship light
Up the world with smiles.
And, a nice pizza later
Would not hurt and
Some beverage
Your choice
My treat,