First light dimly
Creeps through my
Window coldly illuminating
The room a few miles south of
The Canadian border silhouetting
Dark green pines on a gray sky
I listen to the rainfall dripping
From the eaves as I think of
You far away snug under
Covers fast asleep but
I must rise dress get
Some hot tea with
Milk then review
My analysis of
Some system
Working the
Angles to
Works as
My companions
Slowly appear but
I am not the first to be
At work as my friend Tom
Is up first and does not quit
Until late at night but the job
Is a pleasure for me sharing our
Common fascination with each
Historical simulation just like
Other small groups of game
Designers across the USA
All trying to make some
Piece of history come
To life fate hanging
In the balance as
We fight old by
Gone battles
Long gone
But of interest
To a few who read
History & mythology.
We will all go out to lunch
Midafternoon laughing about
Our gaming hopes dreams mistakes
Then back to designing games of
Skill deception planning to be
Played by our replacements
At conventions and hobby
Shop game rooms where
Wives and girlfriends
Peek in in wonder
Wondering why
Their guy can
Waste time
But not on
Them a
I recall of
Playing some
War board game
As my opponent’s wife
Sat and read a book then
Told my wife she just could
Not believe her husband
Would waste so much
Time on a board war
Game to which my
Wife replied at
Least it was
Not worse
An idea
Not yet