In these modern
Times what do we call
The person we live with but
Are not married to nor ever will
Be though we love each other
Aware our relationship is just
Until one of us can no more
Continue as we are now?
Companion seems best
Being suitably vague
As to details while
Allowing for just
Enough wiggle
Room to know
When to go
Which may
Be years
Or may
Be less so
For the present.
I would rather find
A more permanent
Attachment but I see
The utility of companion
For her grown children who
Are frightened their inheritance
Might be in any way threatened by
A stranger they refuse to let allow
Into their family at the expense
Of their mother’s happiness
But as a companions it is
Useful to each of us to
Live day-to-day too
Selfish to make a
Long-term plan
Content with
What now is
Called just
If not
Then certainly
In time separately:
We are known by the
Companions we keep.
Life is what we make
Of the cards we are
Dealt so best to
Enjoy each day
Left with our
As if the
This may
Lead to ordering
Blueberry pancakes.