
I am 73
Anxious to
Be released
From hospital
After heart failure
The day before and
Once the tube to my lungs
Is removed I request immediate
Discharge but the doc and nurse
Standing a few feet away are both
Looking suspiciously at my heart
Readings and ask me if I am in
Pain to which I reply I feel fine
And want to go home but
Their silence is followed
By another question,
Do you feel any, Er,
Discomfort? I reply
I feel fine and am
Ready to leave
But they ask
If I have any
Chest pain
So I reply
No but
Their gizmos
And tell me I am
Having a heart attack
Right now and I answer
I feel great, no pain and no
Discomfort so they tell me let’s
Wait a bit and if their cardiologist
Agrees with me later then I can
Go home so I snag him in the
Hallway and talk him into an
OK so I leave in the BVDs
I arrived in plus my grey
Hospital gown held as
Closed as possible
And have felt just
Fine ever since
Though the
Me to see if
I am still ticking
And life goes on
Post incubation as
Each day is a treat
And I remember the
Motto I penned on my PC
At my workplace for decades,
Each day in the corps is a holiday
Each week is a vacation. It is
Attitude more than aptitude
That gets us through life
And if we begin to think
We have reality right
That is when we get
An adjustment to
Remind us we
Are all just a
Item in
Pain is
Our bumper
If we can feel it.



