I am 18
The cliff at
Garner State
Park in Texas
As the sun sets
Darkness spreads
More mystery than
Is safe climbing in the
Dark realizing the hillside
Is too steep to descend in the
Dark and I begin my ascent feeling
My way a few inches at a time up
To the top then down the safe
Path to the bottom and this
Thought occurs to me on
The cliffs along the jade
Green Guadalupe River
And again clinging to
The sides of the tall
Castle in Edinburgh
Scotland but most
Sharply at night
Waking to how
Close we are
At all times
To fall far
From our
By commission
Or by omission as
We plod along our daily
Paths unaware how steep
The moral slope may become
Step-by-step until we either
Slip and slide then fall or
Move away retrace our
Steps to safety once
Again on the right
Path aware for a
While of reality
Until we miss
Our way the
Next time
By our