I am nine
To see the all
Cartoon cinema
Show at the State
Or Lincoln theatre in
Belleville but the cost is
A quarter I do not have so
I walk up the hill to the tavern
And ask if they have work worth
A quarter and I am put to work
Hauling soft drink bottles to
Behind the tavern stacking
Them for an hour then my
Earnings clutched in my
Hand I run down to the
Theatre to see most
Of the cartoons as
I have arrived late
A lesson learned
About planning
Versus last
I also got
That making
Do scrambling
Was useful even
If planning was better.
Still, the thrill of a time limit
Is enticing and for most folks
Most of the time how we are hard
Wired to operate which is why
Good planning is such a rare
Item and so valuable when
In competition with last
Minute hunches luck
And scrambling a
Dear to men
More than
Or what’s
A marriage for.
And, you get to see
All of the show’s cartoons.