Can you feel,
Best to develop
A sense of virony
Over this lesson in
Solitude socially apart
Physically now as well as
Our accustomed spiritually
Our faces covered gloved all
To protect us from what more
And more of us have already been
Exposed to but did not get so a
Sense of virony is useful to
Deal with staying apart a
Condition we craved in
The past but now we
Realize keenly we
Desire the close
Company of
Our family
We are
Made to
Be close to
Others more
Comfortable in
A group than posing
Alone hoping to be seen
Touched held perhaps to
Embrace but it reminds me
Of a card greeting, in this
World of associates not
Friends you don’t shed
Much light but your
Warm breath is
Comforting if
Close to
Feel the