What percent
Of people by ten
Year increments get
How ill from covid-19,
That is the question until
We have a working vaccine.
Herd immunity allows us to find
Out the above question but at the
Cost of those who might other
Wise survive by a vaccine so
Meantime perhaps a shot
Of antigens may help us
Get through the virus
Less painfully and
Less lethally at
Least for the
Rich or well
Insured so
I expect
A lotto
For the US
Working poor
As false hope daily
Springs eternal sold on
FOX but wait there’s more
After another ten minutes of
Ads on how to gain a reverse
Mortgage and lose your home
And where to warehouse a mom
In the pandemic retirement haven.
Get real. Vote out old white men
Vote in women and people
Of good character of any
Color as long as they
Can solve problems
Not ignore them so
Vote the “nitwits”
Like Mitch McC
Out and bring
In one term
Limits for
100 per
Cent of
Do I sound
Too heated?
Well, in politics,
“If you can’t stand
The heat, stay out
Of the kitchen.”