I am a HS
Senior visiting
UT on a weekend
With a friend I am to
Meet by the south fountain
At noon on Sunday wandering
Around the campus Saturday when
I meet a girl a coed freshman who
Lives in a dorm room at 24th and
Lamar attracted by our youth
Sharing a burger fries soft
Drink walking hand in
Moist hand along
Guadalupe on a
Spring evening
Then in the
Dark back
To her
Agreeing to
Meet in half an
Hour on the hillside
Between her dorm and
Lamar Boulevard almost
Traffic-free so late at night
And lay embraces allowed
Passion to overwhelm us
Hoping no traffic would
Come along or siren
And lights flash by
The curb but no
One came by
Car or on
Foot so
We lay
Talked of
This and that
Parted and never
Saw each other again
Though I thought of her
Each time I drove past the
Intersection amazed at chance.