Am I not
A man, am
I not stupid?
Men do foolish
Things spun about
By women thrown off
Balance we are easily
Manipulated so when she
Said I’ll show you mine if you’ll
Show me yours I reciprocated out
Of gentlemanly politeness online
And when she asked what I’d
Say to my family and my
Friends I thought well,
Not bad for a 74 year
Old widower who’s
Survived prostate
And scalp cancer
A triple bypass
Failures twice
A massive cardiac
Arrest in the ICU and
Being dead for seven minutes
Plus two amputations left foot and
Lower tight leg plus the heart
Break of the loss of a wife
Grandchild and my son
Gone but not forgot.
If I am an old fool
Which I am it is
On top of the
Fact I am a
Man and
So too
Stupid to
Survive except
By God’s grace some
Good luck and a sense
Of humor enough to belly
Laugh at myself, am I not a man.
I love my family my friends
My God and if I am found
Wanting in the balance
Then I repeat my own
Defense not bad
For an old