It’s the 70s
The price of gas
Has gone up and my
Students are horrified
But I remind them that
They pay more than
The price of one
Gallon of gas
For one
Gallon of
Coca Cola.
Partly it is the
Age difference as
I am a decade older
An affect I have noticed
Among the young and the
Middle-aged regarding what
Is politically correct for the
Elderly like touching or a
Reference to legs and
Curves all of which
Was acceptable
In the 40s and
50s but is a
Tabu today
So all I can
Say is get
Over it
Older folks
Live in the past
So learn their views
On what is polite
Is not yours nor
Is it wrong for
A man in his
70s or 80s
To place
His hand on
A female shoulder
Or waist among friends
And family and if it bothers
You then speak up to them
As under American law
And etiquette silence
Gives consent so
Just stop trying
To foist your
Values of
Living in
The past
Let alone an
Historical figure
Dead a hundred
Plus years
Micro zap
Your dinners
And let me declare
Now you’re Cookin’ with gas.