
Each day
Five days a
Week I went
To work at my
Day job thrice a
Week to my night
Job weekends to my
Job assembling my game
To ship to distributors or mail
To customers and never really
Thought what retirement from
One or more of these jobs
Would be like taking life
A little easier but when
I retired from TXDOT
I found myself more
Busy than before
And after I left
ACC it was
The same
Rush to
Do all
The things
Retirement has
In store for each of
Us so I hesitate to stop
Working on board games
As I do not have the energy
To face all the extra stuff I will
Have to get done so I wonder
If our final retirement in life
Will only open a new set
Of things we have to
Take care of after
Death not as our
Self but as part
Of a greater
In the
Where I hope
They do not have
Some cosmic form
Of daylight savings time.
And you who struggle
With work will one
Day find sleeping
Late is only an
Illusion and a
New routine
Soon takes
The place
Of work.
The best
Is yet to come.



