What are
Our goals in
Life if not food
Shelter clothing
And for those so
Inclined children to
Raise to be copies of
Us which never works
But more than we realize,
So how to do this we may ask?
One person cannot expect to
Acquire a big house fancy
Car home furnishings of
Expense but can still
Manage the basics.
To acquire all the
Chrome extras
We need some
Partner or a
Lot of fancy
Degrees as
One can’t
Earn as
So, if you
Want to be one
Of the Cleavers with
Wally and his sibling then
Wise up and plot or plan long
Range to degree up or marry
Well another with similar or
So goals not some free
Loader deadbeat who
Never grew up and
Has the emotional
Maturity of a bag
Of rats tossed in
To a burning
Meth lab.
To reality.
Making love
Is not just for
Having fun and
If you simply can’t
Compromise your core
Issues then get ready for
A lot of fast food and pizzas
In front of a TV or CRT in your
Apartment or condo with or
Without kids calling Mom
Mom Mom and no real
Career ladder beyond
The lotto which as
You know, if you
Have grasped
This poem,
Is a tax
On the
Goals are
For planners
Not for free spirits.
Ant or grasshopper, choose.
Alternatively, there are all
The paths in between
To find happiness
With the rest
Of us who
Live and
And, learn.