I am a little
Kid in second
Grade all of us
Are being trained
To march in twos pay
Attention to orders wait
For the signal all in eager
Preparation to participate
In an industrial society but
What is most remarkable
Is musical chairs where
By we kids learn how
To make sure we do
Find a seat when
The music stops
Or we are out,
A primer for
Or a job
And if
Chair is
Not perfect
Each time fewer
Chairs but any chair
Is comfy and we are not
Left alone standing looking
Around until told by teacher to
Stand with others who have
Hesitated too long or else
Were slow to act too
Timid to push for
A chair content
To leave the
Rush and
To the side
Though we did
Like the game as
We are young and full
Of hope and confidence
So musical chairs is
Only the first of
Many games
We will have
To learn to
Be able to
Grow up
Who have
Learned to
Play well together.
Culled by the second
Grade to compete in life
To be a Jacob not an Esau.