Is there too much news?
Are you overwhelmed
By so many media
Channels selling
Opinion as if it
Is journalism
Trying to
One side
Or the other.
How about local
News by a local station
Owned by folks in the town
Or city giving world national and
Local news. and weather the
Same way, from a local
Perspective not the
Reiteration of the
Media lies we
Now have
To sift
Ask your own
House and Senate
State and national to
Pass a law forcing the
FCC to break up the media
Conglomerates the news trust
Who try to tell us what we
Think how to react and
Who to vote for or
Against and tell
Media divas
And dons
Not to
Their name
To every story
And to be the news
Reader not the opinion
Giver they try to
Fashion them