My wife died
One memory at
A time over ten years
Aware she was losing her
Mind a bit at a time but brave.
My dear friend is losing her
Memory of words one at
A time plus can cannot
Drive both causes of
Heartache from one
Who blazed so very
Bright for so long
But now faces
Memory loss
Beyond just
Getting old
A loss too
For words
She no longer
Can express yet
She bravely gardens
Loves her red dog and
Tries to cope with grown
Kids who do their best but
Nothing is enough when we
Lose memory due to dementia
Where we still encode memory
Or the other type where we do
Not add new memories so in
Either case be patient with
Them know they are in an
Agony of lost memory
We cannot imagine.
There but for the
Grace of our
Go we.