A friend of mine
Tells me she is smitten
With a man in her swim class
Hopelessly enamored by him and
In pursuit though he seems to be
Unaware of her feelings which
I point out are not apparent
To him as all she has done
Is to smile at him and to
Make discrete inquiries
As to his marital and
Or dating status so
As days weeks go
By she tells me
It’s too bad he
Is married so
She drops
To find
He is now
Interested and
His wife approachs
My friend and tells her
To back off which has already
Happened except the man is
Still interested hanging near
My friend but not speaking
Just pleased at being an
Object of attraction if
Only briefly and he
Becomes a sort
Of nuisance to
My friend who
Tries to stay
Away and
The human
Heart is strange
Manipulated by the
Primitive hindbrain we
Are hardwired to be smitten
And no amount of cool analysis
By the forebrain has any effect
Once smitten we go right for
What we want a condition
We can observe in others
But less clear when we
Are the one smitten.
Common sense
Goes out the
And he
Or she